Practice with ChatGPT: Improving Writing Style

Now let's move on to practice. In this section, we will offer you several exercises that will help you use ChatGPT to improve your writing style. We will suggest different situations and tasks that you can solve with the help of ChatGPT, and show how to use feedback from AI to improve your text.

Task 1: Modernizing Existing Text

Choose a text you wrote earlier - it could be an old blog post, report, essay, or even a long letter. Your task is to freshen up this text and make it more appealing with the help of ChatGPT.

  1. Read your original text and identify which aspects you would like to improve. These could be structure, tone, clarity, or something else.

  2. Use ChatGPT to ask for advice on improving these aspects. For example, you might ask, "How can I make this text more compelling?" or "Can you suggest a new introductory paragraph for this text?"

  3. Apply the advice received and edit the text.

  4. After completing the editing, compare the original and final versions. What changes did you notice? How have these changes affected the overall impression of the text? Which version do you prefer?


Regular example:

"Can you suggest a new introductory paragraph for the text: why is it profitable to invest in crypto assets?"


Sometimes it turns out that the most advantageous opportunities await us in the most unexpected places. The same is true for crypto assets, investing in which can be one of the most innovative and promising types of investments in our modern world. While some doubt the reality and authenticity of cryptocurrencies, other more judicious and seasoned investors recognize the unprecedented opportunities they offer. As traditional financial markets experience instability and uncertainty, crypto assets are becoming increasingly attractive for investment.

Here is the ready-made text for the new introductory paragraph:

"Why is it profitable to invest in crypto assets?

Despite their recent emergence, crypto assets have already captured the attention of many investors around the world. They represent not only a new form of digital currency but also a powerful financial tool capable of turning the fortunes of investors for the better. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum offer unique opportunities for high returns and portfolio diversification. Let's take a closer look at why investments in crypto assets are becoming increasingly attractive to traders and investors worldwide."

Task 2: Improving Someone Else's Text

Choose a text not written by you but which you find interesting to improve. It could be a news article, blog post, or any other text that you have access to.

  1. Read the selected text and identify which aspects you would like to improve.

  2. Enter the text excerpt into ChatGPT and ask it to suggest improvements. You can ask specific questions or simply request general advice on improvement.

  3. Apply the suggested advice and edit the text.

  4. Compare the original and final versions. What changes did you notice? How have these changes affected the overall impression of the text?

These tasks will help students deepen their understanding of how to use ChatGPT to improve writing style and provide practical experience in applying this tool.

We hope that this lesson will help you see new possibilities for using ChatGPT and inspire you to experiment with using this powerful tool to enhance your writing style.

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