Practical Exercise: From the Past to the Present - A Historical Overview of a Modern Invention


Welcome to the world of history and fantasy! Imagine you are living in the past and suddenly discover a modern invention. Your task is to write a review of this invention as if you were a resident of that time. Try to delve into the context of the era and see the invention through the eyes of a person from the past.


Choose a modern invention that you think would amaze people in the past. It could be something big like the internet or something smaller like an electric toothbrush.

Use ChatGPT to write a review of this invention as if you were a resident of that time. Ask ChatGPT about different aspects of the review, such as important features of the invention, its advantages and disadvantages, and how people of the time might react to it.


  1. Chosen invention: Smartphone.

  2. Request to ChatGPT: "Help me write a review of a smartphone as if I were a resident of the 19th century."


To fully utilize the potential of ChatGPT in writing original articles, it's important to remember that this is a tool that can assist you in generating ideas, writing, and editing text, but the final quality and uniqueness of the article will always depend on your input and editing.

Last updated