Lesson №2: "ChatGPT for Copywriting: A Practical Guide to Content Creation"

Lesson #2: "ChatGPT for Copywriting: A Practical Guide to Content Creation"

Mastering Copywriting and Content Creation: Dive into the fundamentals of persuasive writing and creating compelling content using ChatGPT, an essential skill for any content creator.


Welcome to the second lesson of our series - "ChatGPT for Copywriting: A Practical Guide to Content Creation". Today, we will delve deeper into the practical application of ChatGPT in the field of copywriting.

Copywriting is the art of persuasive writing with the objective of engaging the reader and prompting action. While this task may seem daunting, the knowledge and skills acquired through working with ChatGPT will aid us in accomplishing it.

The clarity and precision

ChatGPT's instructions make it a unique tool that can act as your personal copywriter. It can analyze your request, understand the context, and generate convincing and appealing content. This could be promotional text for a new product, a persuasive article for your blog, or any other type of content you wish to create.

But how do you put all these capabilities into practice? How do you turn artificial intelligence into your personal copywriter? In this lesson, we will explore these questions in detail and provide you with practical advice on working with ChatGPT for copywriting.

Using ChatGPT for Copywriting: Practical Tips and Hacks

Interacting with ChatGPT for content creation can be viewed as a workflow with a real copywriter. It's important to remember that the more precise and specific your instructions are, the better the quality of the result you will receive.

Formulate your request or question clearly and specifically. For example, if you want ChatGPT to create a promotional text for a new product, specify the key features of the product, its target audience, the main message, and so on.

The more specific and detailed your instructions, the more accurate the results you will receive from ChatGPT.

Let's look at some examples:

Poor Example: "Write a promotional text for a new product."

This prompt is too vague. ChatGPT lacks information about what the product is, its features, who it is intended for, and the preferred style of writing. Here's how ChatGPT might respond to you:

"Write a promotional text for a new product."


Meet the new revolutionary product, "Ultra-Effect"! This isn't just any product; it's a true superstar in the world of cosmetology and beauty!

Ultra-Effect is a unique complex for the complete transformation of your skin and hair. Forget about lost time and huge expenses on salon visits or purchasing costly treatments. Now, you have everything you need right at home!

Our product is crafted using the most advanced technologies and scientific breakthroughs in the field of beauty. Ultra-Effect penetrates deeply into each cell of your skin and hair, bringing with it instant and visible results. You will be amazed at how your skin becomes smooth, firm, and radiant, while your hair turns luxurious and healthy!

The benefits of our product are endless! Ultra-Effect eliminates wrinkles, smooths the skin, lightens pigmentation, and clears acne. Your hair will become strong, shiny, and gain incredible volume. Rest assured, you will be surrounded by admiring glances!

For an example of good practice:

"Write a compelling advertisement for our new vegan shampoo. It is 100% organic, not tested on animals, and specially formulated for sensitive skin. The target audience is young people aged 20 to 35 who care about their health and the environment. The text should be energetic, inspiring, and emphasize the importance of choosing natural products."

Here you have specified the key features of the product, identified the target audience, and even set the tone and style of the text. This gives ChatGPT much more context for creating a compelling advertisement.

Good example:

Write an advertisement text for a new vegan shampoo product.


Looking to transform your hair and care for it while respecting nature? Introducing our innovative creation – the vegan shampoo, specially designed for those who monitor their health and care about our planet!

Our vegan shampoo not only gently cleanses and moisturizes your hair but also boasts a multitude of advantages over conventional shampoos. Its unique formula is based on natural plant-based ingredients, and it is completely free from titanium dioxide, parabens, silicones, and other harmful substances. As a result, it allows your hair to enjoy its natural beauty without harming the environment.

Our vegan shampoo is capable of restoring the hair's structure, giving it strength and shine, even after the most intensive styling procedures. It offers a truly rejuvenating effect, making your hair softer, silkier, and more resilient.

But to do it even better, consider this:

"Imagine you're running a blog about vegan self-care products. Write a persuasive post about our new vegan shampoo. It's 100% organic, not tested on animals, and specifically formulated for sensitive skin. Emphasize that your readers – young adults aged 20 to 35 – will be thrilled with this product because they care about their health and the environment. The text should be energetic, inspiring, and focus on the importance of choosing natural products."

In this example, you're placing ChatGPT in a specific scenario, which helps to create more personalized and in-depth content.

Consequently, the response will also be of a higher quality.

Always remember that the clarity and specificity of your instructions substantially enhance the quality of the content received.

Mastery in managing ChatGPT: Mindful usage, creative constraints, and learning through examples.

Proper management of ChatGPT can transform it from a simple text generator into your personal copywriter, capable of creating unique, engaging, and compelling content. However, to achieve this, it is important to learn and understand certain "tricks" in its operation.

Each has its value and can be used to create high-quality content.

Mindful use of system predictions.

ChatGPT generates text based on the previous context, so your instructions and the provided data directly influence the outcome. The more precise and specific your directions are, the more likely you are to receive exactly the text you need. For example, instead of simply asking to "write a promotional text for a new product," specify all the details: the product's description, its target audience, the main message, and the desired style of the text.

An example of such a request would be: "Write a promotional text for an eco-friendly toothbrush designed for youth, emphasizing sustainable materials and an affordable price."


Use of creative constraints.

Constraints can stimulate creativity. For instance, you may ask ChatGPT to write a text using only active voice or certain keywords. You can set the task as a wordplay or stylistic challenge, which can help generate more original and unique content.

Example: "Create a promotional text for our new smartphone using only alliteration and rhyme. Focus on the powerful processor, long-lasting battery, and magnificent camera."


Learning through examples.

Providing ChatGPT with samples of text in a specific style and tone before making your main request can help "tune" the AI to the stylistic direction you desire.

For instance, if you want the promotional text to be written in the style of "hyperbolic marketing," show the model examples of this style before your main request. This will help ChatGPT better understand exactly what you expect from it:

  • "This incredible shampoo will make your hair shine brighter than the sun!"

  • "Our fitness trackers will give you the strength of Hercules and the endurance of a marathon runner!"

Then you can formulate your request: "Write a hyperbolic promotional text for our new crossover."

The response will be similar in structure:

Keep in mind that this process requires some research and experimentation. Results may vary, and you might have to try several times before you get the exact outcome you need.

You may need to edit and improve the version suggested by ChatGPT to make it meet your needs. Check the spelling, grammar, style, and tone, as well as how well the text meets your instructions.

Remember that ChatGPT can generate multiple versions of text. If the first version doesn’t fully satisfy you, don’t hesitate to request other variations or rephrase your initial instruction.

It might sound complicated, but it’s this process of exploration and experimentation that makes working with ChatGPT so engaging and creative.

Real-world cases

ChatGPT is already being used for content creation in real-world scenarios. For example, many companies utilize it to create promotional texts, product descriptions, blog articles, and even emails. To assure you that all described is possible not just in theory, we have prepared a few real-world cases of using ChatGPT in copywriting and content creation:

Case of Jonathan Romero

Jonathan Romero, a lead copywriter at the advertising agency "Adsmiths," used ChatGPT to create advertising slogans for his client’s new campaign. He shared that using ChatGPT allowed him to generate a large number of slogan options, which he then filtered and refined to produce a unique and compelling advertising text.

Case of Sarah Campbell

Sarah Campbell, a lead content manager at the company "TechForward," used ChatGPT to create articles for the company’s blog. In her review, she notes that ChatGPT helps her save time on article writing and allows her to focus on strategic planning and content management.

Case of "CopyCrafters" company

"CopyCrafters," a well-known company specializing in copywriting and content marketing, started using ChatGPT to create first drafts of their texts. They note that AI significantly speeds up the writing process and allows their copywriters to focus on the creative and editorial work instead of initial content generation.

These cases demonstrate that ChatGPT can be a powerful tool in the hands of professional copywriters. It can help you speed up the writing process, generate new ideas, and even improve the quality of your content.

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