Lesson №3: Fundamentals of Working with Midjourney: Commands, Tips, and Crafting Effective Queries

  1. "Fundamentals of Working with Midjourney: Commands, Tips, and Crafting Effective Queries": A detailed review of the basic commands and tips for Midjourney, as well as recommendations for crafting effective queries.

Welcome to the second lesson of our course! Today, we will dive into the fundamentals of working with Midjourney, learn more about commands and tips, and provide recommendations on crafting effective queries.

Midjourney Commands: Basics for Getting Started

As you know from the previous lesson, to start the image generation process in Midjourney, we use the /imagine command. However, there are several other commands that can help you get more out of the service:

  • /settings — opens settings for fine-tuning the generation parameters. Here you can choose the engine version, image quality, level of stylization, image upscaling algorithm, and access mode.

  • /redo — a command that allows you to take a "step back" and restart the last generation request.

  • /remix — this command enables you to blend different images together, creating unique combinations.

  • /history — a command that shows your recent requests. It can be helpful if you want to recall your previous queries or see how you have changed settings.

  • /stop — a command to stop the current generation. It can be useful if you've noticed an error in your query or want to change settings before the next generation.

  • /help — a command that displays a list of available commands and a brief description of each. Use it if you forget what a particular command does.

These commands can greatly facilitate your work with Midjourney and help you navigate the service quickly. Remember that some of these commands may only work in certain modes (for example, /stop is available only during image generation).

Crafting Effective Queries

The key to using Midjourney is to create queries that accurately reflect your creative idea. Here are some tips for formulating your queries:

  • Be specific: Try to describe your idea in detail. The more specific and precise your details, the more accurate the results will be.

  • Use English: Currently, Midjourney is optimized to work with the English language.

  • Experiment: Don't be afraid to try different approaches to describing your ideas. Specifications, abstract descriptions, metaphors — all of this can yield surprising results.

Using Midjourney Tips

Midjourney offers tips that help manage generation and finely tune image parameters. Here are some of them:

  • Unambiguity: Midjourney, like any other neural network, works better with unambiguous queries. If you write "apple," it won't know whether you mean the fruit or Apple computers. Try to be as specific as possible.

  • Style Management: If you want your image to be in a specific style, please specify this in your request. For example, "a sunset in the style of Impressionism" or "a medieval castle in Gothic style".

  • Use of the U and V buttons: These buttons beneath the images allow you to increase the resolution of images and create variations based on the selected image. Moreover, you can use these buttons multiple times to refine and improve the outcome.

  • Fine-tune feature: This feature enables detailed customization of the image generation by using specific instructions in your request. For example, you can specify a particular color or shape of an object, or set a specific background.

After you have crafted your initial request and Midjourney has generated the initial images, you can further refine your request by adding additional details or specifications. This is the application of the fine-tune feature. You simply enter a more detailed request into the input field, and Midjourney generates new images based on these refinements.


You start with the request "a wizard who has taken power in the kingdom". Midjourney generates images based on this request:

Then, to refine your request, you can enter something like "a wizard with a golden throne and a purple cloak who has taken power in the kingdom." Your new request clarifies the details of your previous images:

  • Rethink function: This function can be used for a completely new approach to your query, generating a unique image based on your specifications. If you are not satisfied with the initial results, try using the rethink feature to obtain new variations.

This function is applied when you want Midjourney to suggest a new approach to your query. Instead of simply refining your request, you change it, asking Midjourney to "rethink" its approach. This could be a simple rephrasing of the original query or the addition of new ideas that will significantly change the nature of the generated images.


Building on the same original request as above, you can reconsider your concept for Midjourney to approach it from a new perspective. Instead of just refining details, you can change the direction of the query: "a desert hermit wizard who has renounced power in the kingdom." This will alter Midjourney's approach to image generation and create a new interpretation of the original request.

  • Word Selection: The key to successful generation lies in word selection. A single word can trigger a series of associations and interpretations in a neural network. By applying different combinations of words, you can achieve unique and interesting results. This may require some time and experimentation, but ultimately, your efforts will definitely pay off.

  • Balance Between Detail and Abstraction: The more details you specify in your request, the more control you have over the final image. However, too many details can make the image cluttered and complex. Find the balance between detail and abstraction to achieve a pleasant and harmonious image.


Practical Task

Task: Create two different images using the same theme or concept.


  1. Choose a theme or concept that you want to depict. It could be anything from an abstract idea to a specific object or scene.

  2. Use the fine-tune command to create the first image. Make your request very specific and detailed to precisely control how the final image will look.

  3. For the second image, use the rethink command. This time, make your request more abstract and open to interpretation.

  4. Compare the two images and discuss how they differ from each other and how each approach affects the end result.

  5. Choose the option that you liked the most!


  1. You might choose the theme "sunset on the beach."

  2. For the first image, your request could be: "Sunset on the beach with a bright orange sun reflecting in the calm sea, with dark silhouettes of palm trees in the foreground."

  1. For the second image, your request could be: "The emotion of a calm sunset on the beach."

It's important to remember that working with AI is a process of trial and error. Don't expect perfect results on the first try. Be patient and keep experimenting!

Last updated