Lesson №6: "Creating Digital Art with ChatGPT and Midjourney".

  1. "Creating Digital Art with ChatGPT and Midjourney": A Practical Tutorial on Creating Digital Art Using ChatGPT Combined with Midjourney


Digital art is a fantastic way to bring your ideas to life, and modern tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney make this process much simpler and more exciting. We have already come a long way in exploring the capabilities of ChatGPT and Midjourney, and now we will combine these two tools to create unique digital art.

Creating the Initial Text with ChatGPT

The first step in the digital art creation process is to form the text. Whether you are creating a book, a story, a song, or a narrative – it all starts with the text. Here we will utilize the power and flexibility of ChatGPT to achieve the most high-quality and interesting result.

Creating text with ChatGPT is like the art of clay sculpting. Your input data is the clay, and ChatGPT is your hands, shaping the clay into something magnificent. The more details you provide to the AI, the more accurately it can represent your vision.

For example, you might request it to: "Write a story about a knight who goes on a journey to find a lost city." This is a basic prompt that gives the AI enough freedom for creativity.

Always remember that ChatGPT is capable of expanding your ideas by adding unique and interesting details.

If you want more specificity, you can add more details: "Write a story about a young knight named Richard who embarked on a perilous journey through the snowy mountains to find the lost city of El Dorado, promising riches and wisdom." In this request, you have already specified the hero's name, the details of his journey, and the goal. This gives the AI more information to work with and allows for the creation of a more detailed story:

If your interests lean towards science fiction or fantasy, ChatGPT can also be of assistance. "Tell me about a distant galaxy where shape-shifting aliens live". Imagine what the cover of such a book would look like!

A helpful tip: Aim for a dialogue with AI. If the first text it creates doesn’t meet your expectations, don't despair. Refine your request, add details, or change your approach. Use ChatGPT as a creative partner in your art-creation process.

Using Midjourney to visualize text

After crafting text with ChatGPT, it's time to give it a visual representation. The right visualization can bring your text to life, add depth to it, and make it more memorable and appealing to an audience.

One of the main approaches to text visualization using Midjourney is to create images of characters. Imagine you’ve just written an enthralling story with ChatGPT about a knight named Richard, who is traveling through snow-capped mountains in search of the lost city of Eldorado. Now, you want to turn the description of Richard from text into a visual image.

You could ask Midjourney: "Image of Knight Richard, who is described as tall, dark-skinned, with long black hair and sea-colored eyes." Here you can utilize the capabilities of Midjourney to create an illustration for your book cover or drawings that can be included in the text of the story.

Helpful tip: Don't forget to experiment with different styles in Midjourney. You might enjoy a realistic style for your knight's tale, or, conversely, you may prefer something more abstract or cartoonish for your fantasy novel. As we've learned before, there are plenty of settings in Midjourney, so use them to their fullest to create the perfect image.

For instance, try using Midjourney to craft a book or album cover based on text that you've developed with ChatGPT.

If you've written a song about an adventure, ask Midjourney: "Create an album cover based on a song about adventure."

This is an excellent way to see how your text can be transformed into visual art and how Midjourney can become a powerful tool in your creative process.

Combining text and visualization

By gathering textual and visual elements, it's time to unite them into a single creative work. This is an important step in the process of creating digital art, which helps to fully bring your story to life and turn it into a multimedia experience.

There are many ways to do this. You might want to create a web page for your story or song, accompanying it with illustrations created in Midjourney. Or you could present your work in the form of an interactive presentation, where each slide is matched with a visual that corresponds to the text.

When combining text and visualization, it is important to consider coherence and stylistic harmony. Pay attention to how your visual elements blend with the text, and strive to ensure they complement each other rather than competing for the reader's attention. Use colors and fonts that match the mood and theme of your text, to create a unified visual space.

Platforms for work

There are several popular platforms that you can use to combine text and visualization into one cohesive digital artwork:

  1. Adobe Spark: This is a tool for creating visual content, which includes features for creating web pages, short videos, and graphic designs. Adobe Spark supports the addition of your own images, videos, and audio, and also has a built-in library of templates and styles.

  1. Canva: It offers a wide range of design tools and an easy-to-use platform for creating various types of visual content, including presentations, posters, book covers, and more. In addition, Canva allows you to import and integrate your own images and text.

  1. Google Slides: If you need to create an interactive presentation, Google Slides can be an excellent choice. It is easy to use and offers a plethora of options for customizing the appearance and layout of your presentation.

  1. Pitch: Pitch is an innovative presentation-making tool that enables teams to collaborate effectively and create beautiful presentations. It offers various design templates and integrates with other popular services and tools, simplifying the presentation creation process.

  1. WordPress: If you want to create a website or blog for your digital art, WordPress can be an excellent solution. It offers a multitude of templates and tools for customizing the appearance and functionality of your site.

Certainly, these are not all possible platforms, just some of the most popular. Remember that the choice of platform should depend on your individual needs and on the type of presentation of your digital art that suits you best.

Combining text and visualization is not just about placing an image next to text. It is an opportunity to use every visual element to amplify your words, adding depth and details that might not be fully conveyed by text alone.

Now, give it a try yourself!

Practical Assignment


Your task is to create an illustrated story in the fantasy genre. You will create the plot and text of the story using ChatGPT, as well as the cover, illustrations, and portraits of the characters using Midjourney.


  1. Start by defining the plot of your story. It can be any fantasy theme that inspires you - space adventures, magical worlds, parallel universes, and so on.

  2. Use ChatGPT to create the text of your story. Be specific in your requests. For example, "Write a short story about an intergalactic traveler who encounters an unknown civilization."

  3. Once the text of the story is ready, use Midjourney to create visualizations. Create a cover for your story, illustrations of key scenes, and portraits of the main characters.


  1. We decided to create an illustrated story about the adventures of a man who accidentally discovers a portal to a parallel world where magic is part of everyday life.

  2. We make a request to ChatGPT: “Write a short fantasy story about a hero named James, who has always been an ordinary guy living an ordinary life in an ordinary town. However, one day while walking in the park, he discovers a strange portal to a parallel world where magic is a part of everyday life.”

  3. We create a cover for our story through Midjourney with the following request: “A book cover depicting the main character James standing in front of a sparkling portal, his eyes filled with wonder and awe.”

  1. Choose the option you like or add details and try to slightly modify the image:

  1. Next, we create portraits of the main characters, the world, and the creatures. The requests might be as follows: "A detailed close-up portrait of the main character of James's book":

or "Beings living in a parallel fairy-tale world where magic is a part of everyday life."


Now we know more about the opportunities that ChatGPT and Midjourney offer in the field of digital art development. While we focus on practical application, remember that your creativity and innovation play a key role in the art creation process. Art is a process of exploration and discovery, so do not be afraid to experiment and explore new possibilities with these tools.

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