Lesson №7 "Practical Application of Midjourney: Creating NFT Art"

  1. "Practical Application of Midjourney: Creating NFT Art" - A Review of the Process of Creating Unique NFT Art Using Midjourney and AI Capabilities.

Hello and welcome to our first practical tutorial in the second part of the course! In this lesson, we will move from theory to practice and discuss how to create NFT art using Midjourney and AI capabilities.

We have already looked at how to work with Midjourney and ChatGPT, and now we will apply this knowledge in practice. We have powerful tools at our disposal for creating unique digital art, and we will learn how to transform this art into NFTs that can be sold or collected.

What is NFT Art?

NFT, or non-fungible token, is a way of using blockchain technology to confirm the uniqueness and ownership of a digital asset. NFT art has become a popular and innovative way of creating, selling, and buying digital art. It attracts the attention of artists and collectors around the world and opens up new possibilities for digital creativity.

Research and Idea

Before starting to create your NFT art, it is important to have a clear idea of what you want to create. This will be your starting point and guiding line throughout the creative process. Begin with research: look at the work of other NFT artists, explore different styles and genres, find what you like, and what you want to bring to your work.

The research can be as extensive as you allow it to be. You can explore art in general, both traditional and digital, different cultures and their visual traditions, nature, science, abstract ideas - anything that can inspire you to create a unique piece. Your research may include reading, visiting galleries and museums, watching videos, listening to music, networking with other artists, and more.

ChatGPT can be your partner in this process. This intelligence can help you formulate or refine your idea. You can ask ChatGPT questions, ask for suggestions, or use AI to generate ideas. For example, you can ask: "Suggest ideas for NFT art based on the concept of time." AI can offer various approaches and interpretations that can inspire you with new ideas or help you develop an existing one:

Don't forget that an idea is just the beginning. It's important not only to come up with an idea but also to continue developing and deepening it throughout the process of creating art. Your initial vision can evolve and change as you work on your project, and that is part of the creative process. Don't be afraid to experiment and explore new directions as you progress on your creative journey.

The Creative Process with Midjourney

Now that you have an idea for your NFT art project, it's time to put your creativity into practice using the capabilities of Midjourney.

Art creation

Midjourney art creation offers a variety of styles and settings to produce unique images. It all starts with choosing a style that matches your idea. Then, you can adjust the generation settings to detail your image.

If you've decided to create a futuristic cityscape, you might begin by selecting a style that gives the image an urban feel, then tweak the settings that control the atmosphere, lighting, composition, and other elements of the image. Your prompts might look something like:

"A futuristic city at sunset with tall buildings and skyscrapers."

"An image of a future city with innovative technologies and autonomous transportation":

"A futuristic cityscape with numerous lights and reflections in the water":

Don't be afraid to experiment. Create multiple versions by changing parameters and styles until you get an image that you really like.

Collaborative use of ChatGPT and Midjourney

Sometimes it can be difficult to come up with specific prompts for visual descriptions, and that's where ChatGPT can help. This is a unique opportunity to engage AI as a virtual assistant or even as a co-author.

First, define the basic theme or idea of your project. Then, turn to ChatGPT to help formulate more detailed prompts for Midjourney. For example, your main idea might be "fantasy city," and you can use ChatGPT to get more detailed ideas.

For instance, make the following request: "Suggest a detailed description for creating an image of a fantasy city using the Midjourney service."


By formulating such and similar inquiries, you will obtain detailed and unique ideas for creating your NFT art. These ideas you can use as a basis for your prompts to Midjourney. Sometimes the most unexpected and impressive images result from the most detailed and original requests.

Here, for example, is what emerged from the description suggested by ChatGPT:

Finalization and Export

When you are satisfied with the outcome, it's time to export your art from Midjourney. This will create a high-quality file that you can use to create an NFT. Remember that the image quality is crucial for NFTs, so make sure you are happy with every detail before exporting.

After the export, you will receive a high-resolution image file that you can upload to OpenSea or any other platform for creating NFTs. Now you are ready for the next step: turning your digital art into an NFT.

By combining the capabilities of ChatGPT and Midjourney, you gain new tools for creativity and are prepared to create unique NFT art that reflects your personality and creativity.

Creating NFTs

The next step after creating your digital art is to turn it into an NFT. This process involves several steps, which we will detail below.

  1. Setting Up MetaMask

First, you will need a wallet to manage your digital assets. MetaMask is a browser extension that acts as your personal wallet for Web 3.0.

You can install it by following the instructions on the official MetaMask website. After installation, make sure you securely save your login credentials and secret phrase - they are important for accessing your digital assets.

  1. Buying Ether

To create an NFT, you will need some ether (ETH) to pay for transactions, or "gas," on the Ethereum blockchain. You can purchase ETH through many cryptocurrency exchanges or even directly through MetaMask. After purchasing, you should transfer the ETH to your MetaMask wallet.

  1. Creating an NFT on OpenSea

Now that you have a wallet and some ETH, you are ready to create an NFT. For this, we will use OpenSea, one of the largest platforms for trading NFTs. Go to the website and click the "Create" button.

Go through the registration process or log in by linking your MetaMask wallet to OpenSea. Then you can upload your digital art, enter its title, description, price, and other information. Once you are satisfied with the information, you can click on the "Create" or "Mint" button to create your NFT.

Congratulations, you have just created your first NFT!

Please note that you will have to pay a small fee in ETH for the NFT creation process, so make sure you have enough funds in your balance.

Now your digital art can be sold as an NFT on OpenSea or any other NFT trading platform. This opens up a whole new world of opportunities for your creativity!

Practical Exercise: Creating NFT Art Using Midjourney and ChatGPT


Your task is to use your skills with ChatGPT and Midjourney to create a unique piece of digital art that can be transformed into an NFT. For this exercise, you don't need to actually create an NFT, but the main goal is to learn the process and develop your skills in creating digital art.


  1. Use ChatGPT to come up with a concept for your art. For example, you could ask ChatGPT to "Suggest ideas for NFT art based on the concept of time."

  2. Determine the style and parameters on Midjourney that match your concept and start generating images.

  3. Experiment with the parameters and create several variations. Continue working until you find an image that you like.

  4. Use ChatGPT to create text elements that can be added to your image. This could be a description, a story, a poem, or something else.

  5. When you are happy with the result, export the image from Midjourney.


Imagine you want to create NFT art themed around "Traditional Japan."

You turn to ChatGPT with the request: "Suggest ideas for NFT art themed around traditional Japan."

ChatGPT suggests:

Next, you take any description you like and start experimenting in Midjourney, generating various images of blooming cherry blossoms and Japanese temples:

After you have chosen an image that you like, you return to ChatGPT and create a short story about your landscape, which you then add to the image.

In the end, you export your work from Midjourney as high-resolution files that could potentially become NFTs.


Creating NFT art is an exciting process that opens up new opportunities for artists and creatives. Using AI in this process can help you create unique and interesting pieces of art. We hope that this tutorial has helped you understand how you can use Midjourney and ChatGPT to create your own NFT.

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