Lesson 2: "A World Without Borders: How ChatGPT Can Assist with Translations"

Today we will delve into the fascinating application of ChatGPT - text translation. The widespread adoption of AI in the translation field opens up new opportunities, not only in a technological sense but also as a source of income. Chat GPT-4, like other GPT models, can interact in a multitude of languages. However, the efficiency and quality of responses in different languages may vary depending on the training data and experience working with a specific language.

Key to Understanding: ChatGPT in Translations

Translation is one of the key areas where ChatGPT demonstrates its capabilities. The ability to process and generate text allows it to translate phrases and paragraphs of text. ChatGPT can interact with text in a vast number of languages, but it is most efficient with English.

The advantages of using ChatGPT include:

  • Speed and efficiency: ChatGPT can translate texts faster than a human, allowing for the processing of large volumes of data in a short time.

  • Continuous learning and improvement: Thanks to neural networks, ChatGPT learns and improves, providing higher quality translations.

  • Contextual understanding: GPT-4 can better grasp the context and nuances of the source text, which can lead to a more accurate and natural translation.

  • Translation with conversational style: Chat GPT might be more effective in translating texts with a conversational style or slang, as it is trained on a large amount of conversational material.

  • Flexibility: You can use Chat GPT to translate texts between various languages, not limited to the most common language pairs. Although the quality of translation can vary depending on the language, GPT-4 can provide translations between less common languages that might be unavailable in some traditional translation systems.

  • Processing complex texts: GPT-4 can be useful in translating complex or specialized texts, such as technical documentation, scientific articles, or literary works, as it is trained across a wide range of topics and knowledge areas.

  • Creative and adaptive translation: Chat GPT can offer alternative translation options or adapt the text to better match the style or cultural features of the target language. This can be useful in translating idioms, proverbs, or expressions that have a specific meaning or usage in the source language.

  • Interdisciplinary connections: Thanks to its broad knowledge base, GPT-4 can recognize and take into account interdisciplinary connections or terms that have different meanings in different contexts, which can improve the translation quality.

  • Interactivity: Unlike traditional translation systems, Chat GPT can interact with the user, allowing for clarifying context or asking questions for a more precise translation. This can be useful when the source text contains ambiguities or when the user wants to get additional information about the translation.

However, it is important to understand the limitations:

  • Questions of accuracy: Despite training and improvement, ChatGPT can make mistakes or offer an inaccurate translation. This is particularly true for complex or rare phrases and words.

  • Lack of cultural context: ChatGPT may not understand cultural references or nuances that can be important in some texts.

Here is the simplest example of how ChatGPT can be used for translation: "Translate into Rissian: Text (from Latin textus — fabric; weaving, combination) — human thought fixed on any material medium; in general, a coherent and complete sequence of symbols."

ChatGPT response:

Translation as a Source of Income: Earning with ChatGPT

With ChatGPT, you have the opportunity to offer translation services:

  • Providing translation services: You can start working as a freelancer, offering text translation services. This can be a great way to generate income, especially if you work with large volumes of text.

  • Editing translations: Together with ChatGPT, you can not only translate texts but also edit existing translations.

  • Creating your own translation app: ChatGPT can be integrated into your own translation app, which can become the foundation for your business.

And now let's experiment!

Practical Assignment: Comparing Translations


The goal of this assignment is to explore the effectiveness of ChatGPT's translations by comparing the translation of the same text presented in different languages into Russian.


  1. Select a text in the source language. This can be a short news article, a paragraph from a book, a poem, or any other text you want to use. Try to select a text that contains various aspects of language, such as idioms, complex sentence structures, and specific terminology.

  2. Find or make translations of this text into three or four different languages. You may need to use online dictionaries or other sources for this.

  3. Use ChatGPT to translate each of these texts into Russian. Record the results.

  4. Compare the translations obtained. Pay attention to the differences and similarities between them. Analyze in which cases ChatGPT performed the best in translation and why.


  1. English: “Синдром Алисы в Стране чудес (САСЧ), также известный как синдром Тодда или дисметропсия, представляет собой неврологическое расстройство, искажающее восприятие. Люди могут испытывать искажения в своем визуальном восприятии объектов, например, объекты могут казаться меньше (микропсия) или больше (макропсия), или казаться ближе (пелопсия) или дальше (телеопсия), чем они есть на самом деле. Искажение также может происходить для ощущений, отличных от зрения.”

  2. German: “Das Alice im Wunderland-Syndrom (AIWS), auch bekannt als Todd-Syndrom oder Dysmetropsie, ist eine neurologische Störung, die die Wahrnehmung verzerrt. Es kann zu Verzerrungen in der visuellen Wahrnehmung von Objekten kommen, z. B. dass sie kleiner (Mikropsie) oder größer (Makropsie) erscheinen oder dass sie näher (Pelopsie) oder weiter (Teleopsie) zu sein scheinen als sie sind. Verzerrungen können auch bei anderen Sinnen als dem Sehen auftreten."

  3. French: “Le syndrome d'Alice au pays des merveilles (AIWS), également connu sous le nom de syndrome de Todd ou de dysmétropsies, est un trouble neurologique qui déforme la perception. Les personnes atteintes peuvent subir des distorsions dans leur perception visuelle des objets, qui leur paraissent plus petits (micropsies) ou plus grands (macropsies), ou qui leur semblent plus proches (pelopsies) ou plus éloignés (téléopsies) qu'ils ne le sont en réalité. Des distorsions peuvent également se produire pour des sens autres que la vision.”

And now ask to translate each of the texts into English.

  1. From Russian:

  1. From German:

  1. From French:


Using ChatGPT as a translator can be a valuable addition to traditional translation tools, but its effectiveness may depend on the specific language and context. To achieve the best results, it is recommended to experiment and compare outcomes with other available translation systems, such as DeepL, Google Translate, Yandex.Translate, and many others.

Coupled with copywriting, translations can significantly broaden your potential customer base - you can not only create content but also prepare its multilingual adaptation! This not only enhances your appeal as a service provider but also increases the value of your services.

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